The Islamic Center of Sioux Falls (ICSF) offers free Nikah (marriage) services to residents of the local community, either at the masjid or off-site locations. Allah says in Qur’an: “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed, in that are signs for a people who give thought.” (Qur’an, 30:21)
Nikah is an act of worship in Islam and a solemn agreement between a husband and wife conducted in accordance with the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him).
ICSF Nikah Guidelines
The following requirements must be met for ICSF to conduct a Nikah ceremony:
1. Mutual Agreement (Ijab-O-Qubul):
Both the bride and groom must consent to the marriage.
2. Witnesses and Guardian:
Two Muslim witnesses must be present for the groom, and a guardian (wali) must be present for the bride.
3. Marriage License:
A valid marriage license from the local county is required. (Note: The license must have a 72-hour waiting period before the ceremony and is valid for 30 days.)
4. Mahr (Marriage Gift):
The groom must provide the agreed-upon mahr to the bride, which can be immediate, deferred, or a combination of both.
5. Previous Marriages:
If previously married, proof of divorce (date and certificate) must be provided.
6. Identification:
A South Dakota photo ID must be presented for the bride, groom, and witnesses.
7. Official Marriage License:
The city-issued marriage license must be signed by the officiating marriage official.
8. Donations and Honorarium:
All donations should be made to the masjid. Any honorarium for the sheikh performing the service should be given directly to him.
Requirements for women
Please answer the followings question with Y or N
- What is your age?
- Are you currently married or engaged to someone else?
- Are you divorced? If yes When?
- Do you have a Divorce Certificate?
- If you were divorced, are you on your Idah- Waiting period?
- Are you pregnant?
- Are you a widow? If yes When did your Husband passed away?
- Do you have the death certificate of your deceased Husband?
- Do you have a Wakeel -Guardian (Father, Uncle, Brother)
- Do you have any other restriction that does not permit you to get Married
- Are you a South Dakota Resident?
- Do you have a South Dakota ID?
- Do you Have a South Dakota marriage license?
This period is known as iddah.
A divorcee cannot marry for three menstrual cycles after divorce.
A divorcee who has no courses cannot marry for three months.
A pregnant woman cannot marry until she gives birth.
A widow cannot remarry for four lunar months and ten days.